Buyer & seller protection

Buyer protection

We've got your back.

We want you to shop with no hassle on Mage, and we'll do our best to make sure you get a refund if things don't work out.

It's important that you raise any issues before funds are transferred to your seller (and that happens when you confirm delivery, or 30 days after the order was marked as shipped by your seller if you didn't confirm delivery). Otherwise, we won't be able to help you.

Lost orders

Tracked orders - If your seller has shipped the order, but you don't receive anything, please follow these steps to get your money back:

  • Contact your seller if you haven't received the order within 10 days since it was shipped, it might have got lost in transit. In this situation, the seller should issue a full refund on Mage and claim appropriate compensation from Royal Mail.
  • If you can't reach a resolution within three business days, please let us know at [email protected] and we'll step in.

Non tracked orders - If you chose non tracked delivery and your seller has shipped the order, but you haven't received it, unfortunately we won't be able to help in this case. However, you can report the order as lost after 14 days, and this will be reflected on the seller's profile.

Items missing, damaged or that don't meet the listing details

When you've received items that are not as per the listing details, please follow the steps outlined below:

  • Contact your seller and try to find a resolution. Usually your seller will offer to send the items that you're missing, to send a replacement, or to issue a partial or full refund.
  • The seller may ask you to return the item, at their expense. Please use the shipping method that they may indicate and share any tracking details.
  • If you can't reach an agreement within three business days, reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll help.

Please note that Mage will not take part in any disputes regarding the condition of the items, since this is often subjective. However, we will moderate any fraudulent or disingenuous behaviour or breach of our community rules.

Seller protection

We want you to sell with ease on Mage.

We're committed to protecting sellers from abusive buying behaviour, and we won't allow the misuse of reviews, returns, buyer protection policies or dispute processes.

Among other, the following actions are not permitted:

  • Returning an item with the reason that it was not as described when it was described accurately.
  • Returning an item other than the original item received.
  • Using or damaging an item, and then returning it.
  • Filing excessive disputes, complaints or lost order reports.
  • Using abusive or offensive language.

If you encountered this kind of behaviour, please contact us at [email protected]

We'll conduct an investigation and may undertake a wide range of measures to stop the abusive behaviour, such as:

  • Issue warnings.
  • Suspend or ban their account.
  • Remove reviews that violate our rules and policies.